Monday 18 March 2019

Barack Obama


            Barack Hussein Obama was the 44th former US President. He was the first African American to be elected President of the United States. He was born on 4 August 1961 in Honolulu, Hawaii from his mom Stanley Ann Dunhamm who bloody Britain, Germany and Ireland. While, his father Barack Obama,Sr. who came from Kenya.


            In 1951, he was transferred to Columbia University in New York City in a political science department. It is a department specializing in international relations. He was graduated in 1983 with BA. After graduating, he worked for a year at Business International Corporation,  in the New York Public Research Group.

After undergoing several jobs at several institutions, organizations and companies, he continued his studies at the Harvard Law School in 1988. At there, he has been the editor of the Harvard Law Review and president of the journal. He was graduated with Juris Doctor magna cum laude from Harvard. After that, he became a lecturer of the University of Chicago for twelve years and he taught state law.

In 1996, he was elected as Illinois Senate and re-elected in 1998 and 2002. In 2000, he suffered a defeat in the US House of Representatives elections. He was the one who disagrees with the invasion of Iraq by President Bush. On 4 January 2005, he was vowed a senator, later known as a loyal Democrat.

On 13 November 2008, he stated that he would step out of his post as Senate on 16 November 2008 for the preparation of the presidential campaign he would take. In President campaign, he against Hillary Clinton who also came from the Democratic Party, but eventually Obama was elected as Democrat Party representative.


Barack Obama has been President of United States from 20 January 2009 until 20 January 2017. As long as being president, the first few days in the office, Obama issued executive orders and a memorandum of presidency instructing the US Army to develop plans to withdraw troops from Iraq. He directed the closure of the Guantanamo Bay detention camp but the Congress blocked the closure by refusing to allocate the necessary funds and preventing the transfer of the camp to other countries.

Besides that, in domestic policy. He had signed the first bill. It was the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act of 2009, reducing the law of sanctions for the same law-payment. Five days later, he had signed the Child Health Insurance Program (SCHIP) act to accommodate 4 million uninsured children. In March 2009, he reversed a Bush-era policy that has limited funding for embryonic stem cells research and promises to develop "strict guidelines" for the research.

Furthermore, it was LGBT rights. On 8 October 2009, he was signed the Criminal Prevention Act of Matthew Shepard and James Byrd Jr. It is a step that extends the US Criminal Law of the United States to include crimes induced by actual sex victims or perceptions, sexual orientation, identification gender, or disability.

Next, it was White House advisor and group supervision. On 11 March 2009, he created the White House Council on Women and Girls, which was part of the Office of Intergovernmental Affairs, was established by Executive Order 13506 with a broad mandate to advise on issues related to the welfare of Americans and women. He also set up a White House Task Force to protect students from sexual assaults through the United States Official Government memorandum on 22 January 2014 with a broad mandate to advise him on issues related to sexual assault on college and campus universities across the United States.

Then, it was environmental policy. On 30 September 2009, the Obama administration proposed new regulations on power plants, factories and oil refineries in an effort to limit the release of greenhouse gases and to curb global warming. After that, it was surveillance of firearms. He signed 23 executive orders and outlined a series of comprehensive recommendations on the control of firearms. On 5 January 2016, he announced a new executive action extending the background checking requirement for the firearm sellers.

Lastly, it was cyber security and Internet policy. On 10 November 2014, President Obama recommended the Federal Communications Commission to reclassify Internet service broadband as a telecommunications service to keep clean neutrality and he also signed the Executive Order 13636, "Enhancing Cyber Security Critical Infrastructure" on 12 February 2013.

44th presidents of the United States.

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